Create your own ENGAGING Instructional Videos 5-DAY BOOT CAMP
The Create your own Instructional Videos 5-DAY BOOT CAMP is for educators to learn an efficient and effective system in creating engaging instructional videos for your students.
There are SO MANY advantages for your students!
Students seeing YOUR face and expressions, and hearing YOUR voice makes a HUGE difference in their learning!
Your effort shows your students how much you CARE about your content and about THEM!
Creating your own instruction offer you the ability to CREATE and CUSTOMIZE your instruction!
Creating your own instructional videos offer your students opportunities to LEARN, RELEARN, and REVIEW!
These instructional videos create serve as a RETEACH resource!
✴ Welcome from Dr. Mel!
➯ Getting Started Checklist
✴ How to Learn in the Thinkific Learning Platform
✴ How to Trek through this BOOT CAMP
✴ BOOT CAMP Support
Before we begin...
The Why?
The What?
The How?
Step 1: Plan the Content video lesson
Step 1: Plan the Content audio lesson
Step 1: Plan the Content Step-by-Step Planner
Step 1: Plan the Content Timesaving Template
Step 1: Plan the Content BONUS!
Step 2: Create the Media video lesson
Step 2: Create the Media audio lesson
Step 2: Create the Media Step-by-Step Planner
Step 2: Create the Media Timesaving Template
Step 2: Create the Media BONUS 1 & BONUS 2!
Step 2: Create the Media BONUS 3!
Step 3: Chronicle (Record) the Video video lesson
Step 3: Chronicle (Record) the Video audio lesson
Step 3: Chronicle (Record) the Video Step-by-Step Planner
Step 3: Chronicle (Record) the Video Timesaving Template
Step 3: Chronicle (Record) the Video BONUS!
Melanie Wiscount, Ed.D.
Hi! Thank you for checking out my teacher PD online course for secondary teachers!
I'm an Educational Technology Instructional Coach with 19 years of experience teaching (5 years teaching grades 6-8 and 11 years teaching 9-12), 4+ years teaching education courses in higher education, and EdTech coaching (2006 to present).
I'm passionate and driven to make a high-result impact and transformation for teachers when they are using tech in their instruction, student learning, and assessment to increase student engagement and performance in their classroom.
Learn more about me and my credentials to teach, coach, support, and inspire secondary education teachers at
Feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]
with your EdTech questions inside the course.
See you inside the transformation.
~ Melanie ☕